Sunday, June 3, 2007

"Don't worry, not only do we make our own checks, but we print the money that backs them..." -US Government

I feel that mom's picture did not do justice to what I look like. I also feel that this picture does not do justice to what I look like. Alas, I suppose nothing will.
Suppose I told you all that I was fond of you... do you feel shocked? scared? hurt? tricked? loved? happy? confused? or a little of all seven? I thought you all should know that you are great people to an extent (yes, I do know about your under-the-table schemes during Risk, Leif). I also think that this blog idea is a good idea, due to the fact that none of us see each other very much, and talking is something that is a luxury to only a minority in the family.
Thank you all for reading this far, and prepare for more posts to come.



Amy said...

excellent work my friend, excellent work.

Running Demon said...
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Doreen said...

You are awesome J !